Sunday, June 21, 2009

College Life and High School Life

Now I’m experiencing the new chapter of my life, the “COLLEGE LIFE!!” and I’ve met new friends! Yehey Ahahahahaha. Compare it to last chapter that I had the “HIGHSCHOOL LIFE” so many differences, like in college hmmm in every subject there is a respective room; example is your first subject is located at the 3rd floor then after that your 2nd subject will be at 2nd floor something like that compare it to high school you will be at in a permanent room that’s your section and you will that all your subjects there. Second is in college when you want to go to the CR you can just leave the room without any permission to your teacher but in high school you can’t just leave without any permission coz order wise your teacher will scold you or you will ask to go to the assistant principal hahahaha. There are so many differences between the college and high school life like in the rules, regulations, policies, requirements in a subject for you to pass it, the schedules and many many many more differences. . . . . . . . . . (auko ng pahabain pa shortcut ko nlng ang dami kc eh)

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