Thursday, August 20, 2009

10th Journal Entry: Negative Peer Pressure

Honestly as of now I’ve been experiencing negative peer pressure hmmmmm . . . . . . When my friends invite me to play DotA after class, they always said that its just for a while and then I will just see the clock ahhhhhhh its almost 3hrs of play. . . . . When I get late home I’m tired, because of the long trip and I just go to sleep. I have no time to study because of it gRRR…!!!

But now sometimes I just ignore them when they asked me to come/play with them. . . .
Now it’s the times to change and to make my own decisions. . .

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

9th Journal Entry: Responsibility

1. How do you describe a responsible person?

A responsible person is someone that can do his/her task quick and surely accomplished; someone who is honest, have this discipline in his/her doings, he/she can manage his/her time properly and having good characteristics, qualities and attitude.

2. What are your responsibilities a) at home, b) in school c) in your community?

At home I always and I can do any household chores expect for laundering and ironing clothes and STUDY; In the school I need focus in any course that I have taken, I need to prevent myself from bad peer pressure and continue the good attitude that I have and self-discipline; In the community I should be a good role model to the young children, teaching them how good having self-discipline is and what can be a MAJOR CHANGE in their lives if they have this good attitude and characteristics.

8th Journal Entry: "No Legacy is as rich as Honesty"

“Honesty is the best policy” but for me it is the supreme duty that you should always do anywhere and everywhere. Now as a student I can live with the virtue of honesty, how? It’s simple, my own life is the instrument with which I experiment with truth. The elegance of honesty needs no adornment, I think my life improves only every when I take chances and the first and most difficult risk I can take is to be honest to myself because I believe that an honest heart produces honest actions. Be honest because your dignity is contingent here.


7th Journal Entry: Personal Health (Self-Evaluation)

Im good! Ahahahaha

Anyway, my health is quite good I think so. . . . .

I eat 3 times a day & I drink lots of water. . . . .

I take vitamins; I do not smoke and drink liquors. . . . .

If I do smoking my parents will be mad at me, because smoking will not cause any good effect for my health and it will kill me. . . . .

“CIGARATTES SMOKING IS DANGEROUS TO YOU HEALTH” sooooooo to does who always smoke keep this in mind “SMOKING KILLS”

6th Journal Entry: “An Inconvenient Truth” & Challenging Myself

An Inconvenient Truth(based on my reflection paper)

Former vice president Al Gore shares his concerns on the pressing issue of global warming in this documentary. A long-time environmental activist, Gore first became aware of evidence on global warming in the 1970s, and since leaving public office he has become a passionate advocate for large- and small-scale changes in our laws and lifestyles that could help alleviate this crisis. An Inconvenient Truth records a multi-media presentation hosted by Gore in which he discusses the scientific facts behind global warming, explains how it has already begun to affect our environment, talks about the disastrous consequences if the world's governments and citizens do not act, and shares what each individual can do to help protect the Earth for this and future generations.

The difference between Mitigation and Adaption: Mitigation is a partial excuse to mitigate censure; an attempt to represent an offense as less serious than it appears by showing mitigating circumstances. While Adaption is an alteration or adjustment in structure or habits, often hereditary, by which a species or individual improves its condition in relationship to its environment.

Well, global warming may be a big and serious problem, but you can help prevent it in simple ways. First of all, make sure to do more recycling. Next to the trash can in your house, buy a recycling bin and get into a habit of recycling anything you can. Or try to use electricity as much as possible. If there's a light in your home that's on when it doesn't need to be, turn it off. Also, maybe get some of your neighbors or friends together to plant a tree. Lastly, buy a car which doesn't use as much gasoline or anything. Say if you have a Hummer. My advice, sell it. Cars like those are destroying our world little by little. So get involved, and be aware to help the Earth.

Challenging Myself

I always think that I should challenge myself, but I think it will not help me. There are many challenges that I will come to me soon that will make me stronger; I don’t like to challenge myself by myself. I want that challenges will come to me some time.

5th Journal Entry: My Schedule & “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

Daily Schedule
4:50 =>WakeUp!
ü 5:00=>Eating Breakfast
ü 5:10=>Take a bath
ü 5:35=>DressingUp
ü 5:50=>Going to MCL
ü 6:30=>Im now in the school
ü 7:00 until 11:30=> Class Hours
ü 11:30=>HomeSweetHome ^_^

Weekly Schedule (Class Schedule)
Mondays for IT & Values Education
ü Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays are for SocSci, Humanities & Math
ü Wednesdays is for PE & English
ü Fridays is for Drawing/Drafting & English again
ü Sundays is for NSTP class

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

a) masterpiece
I made one of my masterpieces is I made my own poem in my English class when I was 3rd year high school.

b) learned skills
I began playing basketball and guitar since high school.

c) accomplishments
I graduated from elementary and high school, this 2 are my most unforgettable moment in my life. I always think that if I can go back to the start??ahahahahaha soooooooo many happy&good memories……..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

4th Journal Entry: Self-Evaluation

1.Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

Ahmmmm. . . . . . . I think my positive characteristics and qualities are good enough to make me become good person. Hmmm . . . . Let’s say that if I will “add some good characteristics” in me it seems to be the people around you I mean the people that are close to you will be adjusting too in terms of attitude because there are seeing you changing and they will think that your great and afterwards they will do what are your good doings.

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation, when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion; when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;

I think for the teachers if she/he asked question that is new for the student the teacher must be open to the answer of the student(no right and wrong) . . . . . and for the student’s classmates respect the one who is reciting(suggesting or expressing his/her opinion) even though he/she is wrong, because if he/she felt angry when the time come that you are know the one whose reciting he/she will do what you’ve done to him/her when he/she is reciting(suggesting or expressing his/her opinion). . . . . . .

- when you commit mistake;

When someone commit mistake should make him/her well don’t make him/her down, because it will have a bad effect to his/her mind and it will make that person to have some bad characteristics and qualities.

- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and

If your friends asked you to that thing that you don’t want to do, don’t do it if it will cause a bad effect after you do it . . . . . but sometimes your friends will say “you’re a KJ”, ”if you don’t do it you’re so out of group”. By the way it’s your decision (deal or no deal :D). . . . . .

- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

Don’t give me comments that beyond my limitation if I do sometime wrong/bad, because if you do push me to the limits I will get angry on you. I prefer give some comments that will realize me to not do that anymore. . . . .xD

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

I always respect the PEOPLE here in MCL all of them, I use the proper language when I talk to them, I use po and opo all the in elders. ^_^